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Do You Need a Prescription for Massage Therapy?

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A patient lies face-down on a massage table while a massage therapist palpates between their shoulder blades.

In the world of wellness, massage therapy holds a special place. Its benefits range from helping to relieve stress and reduce muscle tension to improving circulation and enhancing overall well-being. 

Those who are interested in booking a therapeutic massage often ask whether they need a prescription to see a massage therapist. In Alberta, you do not need a prescription for massage therapy. New patients are welcome to visit us at Running Shoe Restorative Healthcare without a prescription or a referral from a doctor. However, having a physician’s referral might still benefit some patients when it comes to insurance coverage for massage therapy.

Understanding Massage Therapy

Massage therapy involves manipulating the body’s soft tissues through various techniques to promote relaxation and healing. In some cases, you may be able to use massage as an alternative or supplement to pain medication for joint and soft-tissue injuries. 

According to a 2012 study at McMaster University, massage reduces signs of inflammation, promotes the healing of cells, and encourages your body to produce chemicals that protect it from the effects of muscle injury. 

Deep tissue massage and Swedish massage are two common massage therapy modalities. Another massage-related technique is lymphatic drainage, which helps reduce swelling caused by the buildup of lymphatic fluid in certain parts of the body and is sometimes used to treat conditions like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis. At Running Shoe Restorative Healthcare, any number of modalities can be used to help personalize your treatment. 

Are Massage Therapists Regulated?

When you’re looking for a massage, it’s important to keep in mind that there’s a difference between massage therapy and other types of “massage” you might see offered. Massage therapy is a healthcare and therapeutic practice, sometimes called “medical massage.” The best way to make sure you’re receiving medical care is to get your massage from a registered massage therapist (RMT)

Registered massage therapists are healthcare providers. They require two to three years of clinical education totalling at least 2200 hours of instruction. Massage therapists in Alberta are often also members of the Massage Therapist Association of Alberta, which helps them maintain professional standards of practice. 

Benefits of Having a Referral for Massage Therapy

As we mentioned earlier, you do not need a prescription or a referral from a doctor to see a massage therapist in Alberta. Registered massage therapists are allowed to provide their services to anyone, without needing a referral. However, there are some cases where it can benefit you to have a referral for massage therapy from your doctor.

Medical Conditions

One reason it might be useful to have a referral from your doctor for massage therapy is simply to make sure your doctor is informed about your medical status. 

In cases where massage therapy is part of a treatment plan for a specific medical condition—such as sports injuries, post-surgical recovery, or chronic pain—massage therapists and physicians are part of the same healthcare team (along with chiropractors, physiotherapists, and others). The more information each member of that team has about your situation and the treatments you’re using, the better-equipped they can be to treat you.

A massage therapist manipulates a patient's knee while the patient lies on a massage table.

Insurance Coverage

If your insurance offers coverage for massage therapy, your insurance provider might require that you get a referral from a physical before reimbursing you for massage treatments. Referrals can help ensure that the treatment is deemed medically necessary by a healthcare professional and is not just for relaxation purposes. 

If you’re considering massage therapy for a specific health condition, check with your insurance provider to see if you need a referral for it to be covered by your benefits.

We’re Here to Help

You don’t need a prescription in order to enjoy the benefits of massage therapy. However, it can sometimes benefit patients to have a referral from their doctor before seeing a massage therapist, for both health and insurance reasons.  

Whether you have a referral or not, the team at Running Shoe Restorative Healthcare is committed to providing you with the best possible care for any issue you bring to us. For more information, contact us today

Written by Shaheeza Haji

Shaheeza Haji graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Alberta in 2009, followed by a Master of Physiotherapy from the University of Western Ontario in 2011. Being a staunch believer in “exercise is medicine” she attained her Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist status though the National Strength and Conditioning Association in 2013. At the end of that same year, Shaheeza was involved in a major life-altering electrocution incident whereby she sustained a number of injuries which required surgery and years of rehabilitation. One of these injuries was a traumatic brain injury; it is thought that the electrical current exploded within the confined space of her skull, which for lack of better terminology was coined by her medical team as an “electrical concussion.” This lead to her becoming certified in the treatment and management of Concussions in 2018. Also in 2018, Shaheeza began instructing at CDI college, heading up the Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant Diploma Program. Today, Shaheeza combines her love of teaching, her passion of concussion research, and the empathy & experience from her own injury to help those with acute and chronic concussions. Shaheeza also has a drive for entrepreneurship, being the CEO of Running Shoe Inc., directing both Running Shoe Restorative Healthcare and the Calgary Concussion Centre.
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