Custom Knee Bracing

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What is a Custom Knee Brace?

For those suffering from knee pain or instability, a custom knee brace is an external piece of equipment used to aid in reducing symptoms felt while promoting stability of the joint complex.  This occurs by shifting and unloading weight away from the injured part of your knee, so that you are able to take steps more comfortably.

Benefits of a Custom Knee Brace?

  • Reduction of pain
  • Protect areas of injury
  • peed up recovery following surgery

What conditions can a Custom Knee Brace help with?

  • ACL/MCL/PCL/LCL sprains / ligamentous instability 
  • Meniscus injuries
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Patellofemoral pain syndromes 
  • Pre-and Post- Knee Surgery 
  • Prophylactic sports braces and for return to sport following knee injury 

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What is the Procedure?

We will begin with a thorough orthopedic examination of your lower extremity, including muscle testing, ligament testing, balance testing, and gait analysis.  This will be followed by taking measurements of your leg which will then be used to custom-create your brace by Don Joy, a world-leader in custom knee braces.  Once your knee brace arrives, our team will ensure that it fits you correctly and comfortably through all planes of knee movement.  This will be coupled with an exercise program to ensure that while wearing the brace, you are also stretching and strengthening the necessary surrounding musculature, based on your initial assessment findings.    

Do I need a prescription or referral from my doctor?

No, a prescription from a medical doctor is not required for custom knee bracing.  However, it may be needed if you plan to claim the brace through your extended health benefits insurance plan.  If you are planning to submit to your insurance, you are encouraged to look into you plan details and requirements first. 

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Visit Our Office

Our clinic is located behind the Peter Lougheed Hospital, in the same complex as London Drugs and TD Bank off of 32 Avenue.

Our Address

Unit 220 – 3545 32 Ave NE
Calgary, AB T1Y 6M6

Contact Information

Phone: 587-391-4830
Fax: 587-391-4834
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

8 AM7 PM
8 AM7 PM
8 AM7 PM
8 AM7 PM
8 AM7 PM
10 AM2 PM


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